
Take a look at some of my awards.

13th at Intra University Programming Contest

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BRAC University @ November 2022

I along with my team "Code Breakers" achieved 13th position among 200 teams in the final round of "Intra University Programming Contest". It was held at the 25th of November 2022. However, we had to battle with around 400 competitors in the first found to get ticket for the final round. We also achieved 8th position in that first round and secured our ticket for the final comeptition. It was a long 4 hours of brain-hammering but was quite fun.

Link: Click this link to view the position

Technologies Used

C++ Python

Champion at BUCC Hackathon

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BRAC University @ December 2020

BRAC University organized a "Hackathon" competition named "R@D!X 2.0", where I along with my team made a project called "BuTonic" which is a meditation and consultation app. After finishing the brain battle, we took the place of the championship. Though it was all of our first time in "Hackathon", but able to hit the ground on the first head. However, I was in the lead of UX Design.

Technologies Used

Adobe XD Adobe Premier Pro Programming language MS Powerpoint

3rd at Science Festival & Olympiad

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Monipur High School @ September 2013

It was the 14th of September, 2013, I and my team participated in an event called "Science Festival & Olympiad" which was organized by my school. In addition, our project was "Tree Plantation". However, it completely inspired me to get involved in scientific works continuously after becoming 2nd Runner Up in the science fair.

Technologies Used

Uses of computer in agriculture