Extra Curricular Activities

Take a look at some of my extra curricular activities.

Competitor at Bangladesh Mathematical Olympiad

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Bangladesh Mathematical Olympiad @ February 2014

I participated in the Bangladesh Mathematical Olympiad when I was a student in class 9. It was a great experience that led me to fall in love with math afterward.



Playing Musical Instrument

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Bangladesh Sishu Academy @ August 2010

I learnt a musical instrument, called "Tabla" at "Bangladesh Sishu Academy". Soon I became my teacher's favorite student because of my enthusiasm and dedication to playing Tabla. However, I passed the course by securing 3rd position in 2010.

Musical Instrument Used


Singing Song

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Bangladesh Sishu Academy @ July 2008

I learnt music from "Bangladesh Sishu Academy". I joined the National Radio Broadcast of Bangladesh (known as Bangladesh Betar) after completing my course in 2008. However, my singing career started at an early age. I was only 9 at that time.


Folk Nazrul Rabindra Patriotic Classical